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000306_owner-lightwave-l _Mon Aug 8 10:33:02 1994.msg
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Received: by netcom11.netcom.com ( id KAA22426; Mon, 8 Aug 1994 10:16:03 -0700
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Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 09:41:28 -0700 (MST)
From: David Gilinsky <dave@gaspra.pd.com>
Subject: SUMMARY: reducing list traffic
To: Lightwave List <lightwave-l@netcom.com>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.89.9408041637.B17396-0100000@gaspra.pd.com>
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Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Hi Everyone,
Here was my original post about reducing list traffic by adopting
guidelines similar to the ones used by the Sun-Managers group.
> Hello Lightwave-l subscribers,
> I'm including the general posting/responding guidelines for
> the Sun Managers group with which I have been, and continue to be, extremely
> happy. I think that adopting these guidelines might significantly
> decrease the amount of traffic that this listserver has to handle; and
> increase the efficiency with which useful information is disseminated
> throughout the subscriber base.
> **** Begin Included Message ****
> To help hold down unnecessary messages, a specific policy has been adopted
> regarding the posting of questions and their answers. A person who sends a
> question in to this list is expected to collect, summarize, and post the
> answers to that question. In this way, all readers may benefit from the
> answers. A "summary" is not merely a concatenation of all responses: at
> the very least duplicate answers should be filtered out, and some
> information on the results of the original posters implementation of the
> suggestions would also be beneficial. The Subject line of the message
> containing the summary should start with the word "SUMMARY". It would also
> be nice if the original poster kept a copy of this summary in case the
> question comes up again in a few months.
> Similarly, ALL ANSWERS to a question should be sent ONLY TO THE ORIGINAL
> POSTER. They should NOT be CC-ed to the entire list. PLEASE take the time
> to double check your reply to insure that the list will not receive a copy.
> This is the best way to hold down the traffic in this medium.
> **** End Included Message ****
I received 7 responses: 3 for, 2 against, 1 volunteering his site as a
new mailserv host, and 1 with general questions about posting.
I should point out that there was some confusion about whether or not the
lightwave group would be moderated if it adopted the guidelines listed
above. The Sun-Managers group is NOT MODERATED. List moderation was not
included in the original suggestion for the adoption of the Sun-Managers
The arguments for adopting the new guidelines cited:
conservation of HD space on the mailserv machine
conservation of available bandwidth
avoidance of list fragmentation
The arguments against adopting the new guidelines cited:
reduction of interactivity
reduction of topical discussion
reduction of useful digression generation
There were also some arguments against moderation. These arguments were
posted to the list in general and not just to me, so I won't summarize those.
If anyone would like to see the responses in full, Email me directly and
I will forward them to you.
Thanks to the following people for responding:
Jeff Hanna <quarters@expert.cc.purdue.edu>
Mark Thompson <mark@westford.ccur.com>
Geary N. Hughes <ghughes@tenet.edu>
Eric Case <eric@bigdog.engr.arizona.edu>
Dave Barnard <dbarnard@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Donald Drennan <ddrennan@freenet.columbus.oh.us>
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